
What’s up with the man hate?

Last week, Twitter blew up with the hashtag #MisandryInPublishing. Apparently some poor, hapless (male) soul posted that he believed it to be a real problem and women. went. nuts. Oh man, the hate on Twitter. It’s mind-blowing how nasty people can be sometimes. But I digress... The poor soul was obliterated by one cat-scratch after another—women on the man hate rant about how the entire concept of misandry in publishing is laughable at best. I read through the banter. I

Book Recommendation: The Princess Bride

Okay, okay, I know.... it's not a new book. I get it. You're probably even rolling your eyes at me right now, wondering why in the world I'm making a recommendation for a book that is from the 1970s... Here's the deal. It's perfect. I mean it. Fantasy. Romance. Humor. TONS of tongue-in-cheek sarcasm. So much satire... SO MUCH. It's delicious, y'all. If you're like me, you grew up on the film. In fact, in my elementary school, superiority in

April 6th, 2018|Recommendations|0 Comments

Song Story // Ferryl’s Song

Have you seen the trailer for The Promised One? If you have, then you've gotten a taste of an original composition of mine that I lovingly call Ferryl's Song. It's a piece I wrote for the trailer to tell the story arc of The Promised One from Ferryl's perspective—the peace of a lifelong love that is cast into shadow by dark magic, a journey to awaken the truth, and an ending that doesn't answer everything. Yes, every stanza of this

The Promised One :: Chapter I

[av_dropcap1]I[/av_dropcap1]t had been love—deep, abiding, earth-shattering love—the kind about which færytales are written and wars are fought. So she could think of no logical reason why he could not remember it. Or her. In fact, she could only gape as she watched him ride, the morning sun casting buttery shafts of light across his back and through his unruly golden locks as he galloped away, growing smaller and smaller with each clomp of the horse’s hooves. She could think of no

March 11th, 2018|Sneak Peek Chapter|0 Comments

Ampersand Write Presents: Debut Author Morgan G Farris

Hey guys! It's release day!! Hooray!! The Promised One is officially available for purchase wherever books are sold. Oh man, I am FREAKING OUT!!! I wanted to share with you an article from Ampersand Write, a writing community I am a part of. It was so much fun to answer these questions and I am thrilled to share with you just a little insight into the making of The Promised One. Enjoy! ~Morgan [separator type="thin"] Original article by Kristen Aitken,

January 9th, 2018|Announcements, Chalam Faerytales, Writing|0 Comments

Sneak Peek Chapters

If you don't know yet, I have a book coming out. Crazy, right? Only a few more weeks until it's available to the world. *bites nails* In the weeks leading up to the release, I'm putting up the first chapters as a sort of sneak peek, an appetite whetter, a tease. Yes, I'm a tease. You're welcome. So yeah, you should read the sneak peek chapters before they disappear. And then you should preorder the book. It's basically available anywhere

December 19th, 2017|Chalam Faerytales|0 Comments


I am a perfectionist. There. I said it. I like to wrap things up in a pretty box, tie a bow on them, and call them accomplished. I like to explain things. I like to categorize my life into snippets of theology. "Oh this? I learned ____________ from this. And that over there? That was the time I learned _____________." I think being able to define the incidents in my life has given me a sense of purpose. It has

December 17th, 2017|Christian Life, Family|0 Comments

The Promised One (The Chalam Færytales, Book I)

Morgan G Farris ©2018 Morgan G Farris All rights reserved. Synopsis: Some færytales end with a kiss, but for Elizabeth and Ferryl, the kiss is only the beginning. When the memories of their happily-ever-before are inexplicably stolen, Elizabeth sets off to uncover the truth and save her fabled love with the crown prince, no matter the cost. Meanwhile, Prince Ferryl must unravel the mystery behind his father's crippling headaches, grapple with the band of rebels infiltrating the borders of his

November 14th, 2017|Works, Writing|0 Comments

What Is The Promised One?

In honor of my book's upcoming release, I thought I might share with you a little bit about it. The story of where it came from, how it came about, and some of the why behind The Promised One: The Chalam Færytales. If you're in the street team, or if you've poked around my site or social media enough, you probably know that the first book (actually, the first three books) is an allegory of the Old Testament. In saying

October 31st, 2017|Chalam Faerytales, Writing|0 Comments

The Chalam Færytales Street Team

It's official — my book The Promised One: The Chalam Færytales Book I is coming out in January! Oh man, I'm so excited! It's an allegorical faerytale set in a world of magic and wicked queens and horses with wings and... It's just so thrilling to share it with the world! But... If you really want to be in the know, if you want the inside scoop, there is only ONE WAY to get it: THE OFFICIAL CHALAM FÆRYTALES STREET

October 23rd, 2017|Chalam Faerytales|0 Comments

Song Story // You Gave It All

I love to share the stories behind my songs. In fact, with most songs I love, I go hunting down the internet for the meaning behind them, and when I find some cool story or inspiration, I usually end up loving the song more. Which is why I started the Song Stories feature on my site. You Gave It All is one of those songs that just came out of me in a matter of a few hours. I sat

August 26th, 2017|Song Stories|0 Comments


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