All Hallow’s Eve Soul Cakes
I’ve heard of the tradition of soul cakes for years, but being an American, and more so, a Texan, they are not something that has ever been a part of my Halloween experience. But an English friend of mine posted a picture of the treats on social media, and I decided it was high time I found out what they’re like. The history of soul cakes Dating back to the Middle Ages, soul cakes began as a tradition in Britain and Ireland. These small, cake-like cookies (that’s what we Americans call them) were given to children as they went from
Music that Inspired The Song in the Shadows
If you've followed me for any amount of time, you know that music plays an important role in my writing process. Even when my fingers aren't on the keyboard, I'm listening to songs that remind me of moments in my books, characters, story arcs, and even emotions I experience writing certain scenes. Listening to these songs helped me to develop the story in my mind long before it ever hits the page. The Song in the Shadows was no exception to this process. So many of the songs on this playlist have become some of my all-time favorite songs,
Song Inspirations: Ferryl and Elizabeth
[av_video src='' format='16-9' width='16' height='9' av_uid='av-64rssu'] So.... music inspires me, in case you can't tell. And when I was writing The Promised One, that truth found no exception. Somewhere deep in the bowels of the singer/songwriter section of Apple Music, I found RHODES. And my life was never the same. His voice... like butter, baby. Like butter. (And he kind of reminds me of Ferryl a little bit. What do you think? Honestly, I love that in this video RHODES looks like Ferryl and Birdy looks like Elizabeth. It's serendipity, I'm telling you.) So needless to say about 93.37% of
Book Recommendation: The Princess Bride
Okay, okay, I know.... it's not a new book. I get it. You're probably even rolling your eyes at me right now, wondering why in the world I'm making a recommendation for a book that is from the 1970s... Here's the deal. It's perfect. I mean it. Fantasy. Romance. Humor. TONS of tongue-in-cheek sarcasm. So much satire... SO MUCH. It's delicious, y'all. If you're like me, you grew up on the film. In fact, in my elementary school, superiority in the four-square game depended on who could quote the most lines from The Princess Bride. Guess who always won? *ahem*