
Music that Inspired The Song in the Shadows

If you've followed me for any amount of time, you know that music plays an important role in my writing process. Even when my fingers aren't on the keyboard, I'm listening to songs that remind me of moments in my books, characters, story arcs, and even emotions I experience writing certain scenes. Listening to these songs helped me to develop the story in my mind long before it ever hits the page. The Song in the Shadows was no exception to this process. So many of the songs on this playlist have become some of my all-time favorite songs,

The Birth of the Chalam Chronicles

One thing I get asked a lot is, "Where did you get the idea for your books?" I think somewhere back in the annals of history (read: one of the past acknowledgments) I mentioned that these books started in my brain when I was a kid. That is absolutely true. I remember lying in the clover patch in my backyard next to my dog, looking up at the sky and imagining a fantastical world beyond ours. I wondered if I could ever visit it; I wondered if it would have the same redemption story as ours. Over the years, that

November 3rd, 2022|Behind the Book, Inspiration, Writing|0 Comments

The Music that Inspired The Stag at Hand

As many of you know, I always make a playlist for the book I'm writing. It's a way of inspiring me to write certain scenes, to get me in the mode, and to connect more deeply with each character and their respective journeys. As a musician, I suppose it was inevitable that music would play an integral role in my writing. So today, I wanted to share with you the playlist I listened to ad nauseam during the writing of The Stag at Hand. Each song has particular meaning for moments in the book, or characters themselves. But I

The Music That Inspired The Chalam Færytales

I listen to music when I write. It helps set the mood for certain scenes, helps me to get my mind and soul into the moments I'm creating. It's my own version of method acting, I suppose. I have a playlist for each book from the series* which you can find on Apple Music. Some of the songs that particularly inspired these books are below. If you don't know of them, you need to. They are epic and breathtaking and a story unto themselves. Inspiration There are many songs that inspired me while writing these books, but these are a

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