I love to share the stories behind my songs. In fact, with most songs I love, I go hunting down the internet for the meaning behind them, and when I find some cool story or inspiration, I usually end up loving the song more. Which is why I started the Song Stories feature on my site.
You Gave It All is one of those songs that just came out of me in a matter of a few hours. I sat down, knowing what I wanted to say and I said it. (They don’t always happen that way, believe me.) But if you’ve listened to it at all, you know that it has some pretty vivid imagery and there’s a reason for that.
A former pastor of mine once said that when he really wants to focus, when he really wants to set himself aside and hone in on who God is, he envisions each one of the wounds of the cross. One by one, he focuses in on those wounds, what they mean, how they might have affected Jesus and how they affect him. Graphic, I know. But I think he has a great point: we so often sing of God’s great love (and don’t get me wrong, it’s great), we so often sing of the benefits of God, but we so rarely sing of the brutality of what he did for us on the cross. It’s not exactly comfortable to sing of hematoma or suffocation in church. It’s not exactly comfortable to sing of violence and murder, I get it. But on the other hand, I think we do ourselves a disservice when we don’t even bother to remember what a sacrifice the death of the Mashiach was. Crucifixion, it was gruesome. Bloody. Horrific. And God chose to go through that for you. For me. For everyone. He chose it. Knowing how horrific it would be. He still chose it.
I think that deserves a little more attention, don’t you?
Lyrics: You Gave It All
Morgan G Farris. Copyright 2017 All rights reserved.
[av_button label=’Get it on iTunes’ link=’manually,https://itunes.apple.com/us/album/you-gave-it-all-single/id1257681736′ link_target=’_blank’ size=’large’ position=’center’ label_display=” icon_select=’no’ icon=’ue800′ font=’entypo-fontello’ color=’theme-color’ custom_bg=’#444444′ custom_font=’#ffffff’ av_uid=’av-2efyxa’ admin_preview_bg=”]I see your hands, pierced for me
Where you hung upon the tree
I see the feet that walked the miles
That led to CalvaryI see the scars upon your back
Where you took my shame and darkness
I see the crown upon your head
For your are crowned our king eternalJesus, precious Jesus
You gave it all for us
HallelujahNow we are healed by your wounds
Every pierce bled for our freedom
So as we look upon the cross
Let us sing eternal praisesJesus, precious Jesus
You gave it all for us
HallelujahYour blood, your life
A perfect sacrifice
We’ve been set free so now we sing
Hallelujah, risen kingJesus, precious Jesus
You gave it all for us