I would like to follow up to a previous post I made about worship. I was reading over it tonight and I felt it merited a little more insight. In my previous post (Pickin’ and Grinnin’) I mentioned how God had used some of my experiences to teach me what worship is supposed to be about and what it’s not supposed to be about. So this past summer I started leading worship again for the first time in years.

I have to say that it has been such a blessing to lead worship again separate from self. It has taken worship which was once, for me, a show, and made it into what I now know it was supposed to be all along: an outward expression of my deep love for this man we call Jesus. An exciting outward expression. A fleeting moment that represents what I believe to be the tiniest taste of what’s to come in the hereafter. A chance to show some who might be curious just how awesome we think God is. A chance to share with others who already believe in our deep love for the Lord. And most importantly, one of many ways to live out what is supposed to be a life of worship.

I knew this but I hadn’t lived it until now. Worship is not the 15 minutes of music before the sermon on Sunday morning. Or the album we play on our iPhone on the way to work in the morning. Worship is our life lived for God. The music we sing is just one way of expressing how much we love Him. But it should NEVER be the only way. And if it is, we’re missing out on the incredible relationship we can only have with the Divine.

It would be like knowing you love your husband or wife, but only telling them on your anniversary, the designated day you’re supposed to celebrate your love. It means so much more when you hear it on a Tuesday than it does when you hear it on your anniversary.

And it’s the same way with God. So when I’m on that stage singing worship songs now, I’m not thinking about anything but making sure he knows how much I love him, how much I want to be with him, how much I want to show others how much he means to me. And more importantly, when I’m off the stage, I’m thinking the same thing.

And it has changed everything…

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