Nothing brings me more excitement than seeing the work of God in the lives of those I love and care about. It means they are being obedient to His will and allowing Him to do what He does best in their lives. And when He is free to work, His righteous Right Hand moves mountains, heals sick, saves the lost, and utterly changes for the better everything it touches. I get excited just seeing it happen!

I was blessed to see several examples of His handiwork tonight, alone. My heart is overwhelmed with His goodness. But it shouldn’t surprise me. He is always at work, it is merely a matter of whether or not we are looking for it. Or whether or not we are allowing Him to work in our own lives.

If I have learned one thing from following Christ it is that He is always working, always moving, always transforming everything He touches. The key is allowing Him the room to work. I think we often apply the world’s rules to God – if we don’t see His work, it must mean He’s not working. Kind of like us – if the kitchen is dirty, it means we didn’t clean it up. If the bills aren’t paid, it’s because we didn’t pay them.

But God doesn’t work like that at all. In fact, He works in just the opposite way. He is ALWAYS working, always changing, always healing, always cleaning up lives. But He’s only working on those lives that are allowing him to work. If you want to bring it down to earthly examples, it would be the same as if to say that the maid is standing at your door, but you have to let her in if you want her to clean your house. She won’t clean without your consent. And your consent involves opening the door. Opening the door involves recognizing your house needs a good cleaning in the first place. And recognizing your house needs a good cleaning means being realistic with yourself.

That’s how God is. He’s always there. He’s always working. He’s standing at our doors waiting to clean up our hearts, provide opportunities, change lives, and transform us. But we have to be the ones to let Him in to work. He’s no bully.

It’s a simple concept, but profound. And the sooner we can grasp it, the sooner we can be changed forever.

I don’t know about you, but I am ready to accept anything God has to offer. I’ve tasted and seen just tidbits of what He is capable of. But those tidbits have RADICALLY and PERMANENTLY changed me. And when I see those tidbits in the lives of others as well, I am reminded that we serve an all-powerful, almighty, all-loving God. And it moves me to open the door to my own heart even wider.

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