In Egregious Lapse in Judgment, Christian Author Includes Sex in Her Novels
Dear Mom, if you're reading this, I'm sorry. Sex has never been a comfortable topic for me. Partly because of my upbringing, and partly because of my faith, sex has been, for the majority of my life, somewhat of a taboo. Even after marriage, there were aspects of my sexuality that I could not bring myself to terms with (because God forbid a woman should not only enjoy it but... you know... want it). But here I am, writing this, knowing that people I know will read it. Knowing my MOM will read it (good lord in heaven). Maybe even
The Story I Almost Didn’t Tell
Dear Christian, I'm sorry my books offended you. I almost didn't release these books. That's right. When I started writing The Promised One, it was for fun. A labor of love. But I had no intention of releasing it. No, not because I didn't think it was good enough, or because I was suffering from imposter syndrome. I almost didn't release this book because I knew I was going to take the series in a direction that most of my Christian community would not understand. You see, if you've read my books, you know two things: they're blatantly spiritual, and