
My Interview with Voyage Dallas Magazine

My Interview with Voyage Dallas Recently, I had the privilege of being interviewed by Voyage Dallas Magazine, a local magazine dedicated to the entrepreneurs and visionaries in the Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas, metroplex. In the article, you'll learn a little bit about my journey from musician to author to publisher, and what's in store for the future! Check out the article below! [av_button label='Voyage Dallas Interview' link='manually,' link_target='_blank' size='x-large' position='center' label_display='' icon_select='no' icon='ue800' font='entypo-fontello' color='theme-color' custom_bg='#444444' custom_font='#ffffff' av_uid='av-2fb3e0' admin_preview_bg='']

January 30th, 2019|Announcements, Working Life|0 Comments

A Song For a Friend

Above: Stacy (left) with her beautiful daughter (right) with my husband on our wedding day It was five years ago today. We lost a friend that was one of the most selfless, kind, truly honest persons I've ever met. Her name was Stacy. She was a wife, a mother, a friend, a lover of Jesus. And to me, she was a rock. I miss her every time I have a funny story to tell. I think of her every time I pass by the places we frequented together. I miss her every time something happens in my life

March 2nd, 2014|Christian Life, Family, Worship|1 Comment
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