Things My Kids Say

Things My Kids Say: No. 003

Virgil: (After picking up a foam letter B) Mommy, what's this letter? Me: You tell me. What letter is it? Virgil: It's a B! Me: That's right! What sound does a B make? Virgil: 'buh' 'buh' B! Me: And what words start with the 'buh' sound? Virgil: What word? Me: 'buh' buh' Ball? Virgil: 'buh' Ball! Me: And 'buh' 'buh' Banana? Virgil: And 'buh' buh' Monster Truck!

Things My Kids Say: No. 001

My son is a zany little fellow, always coming up with something crazy to say. I've been told over and over again that I need to be writing these things down. But some of them are just too funny not to share. So I decided to start a new feature on my blog: Things My Kids Say. I say "my kids" because I know that in the not too distant future, one precocious little eight month old will be joining her brother in witty toddler banter. I'm thinking long-term here, folks. So without further adieu, I bring you Things My

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