May 2009

Can a Christian Believe in Evolution?

I was reared to learn all the answers, stand on them and never waiver. I was reared that "if you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything." And I believe that. With all my heart I believe that. But the caveat is that I don't believe I get the answers right 100% of the time. I believe that I can learn new things and apply them to my foundation without it negating any principle I stand on. I believe that as technology changes, science progresses, and the world moves on, new theories, discoveries, even belief systems can and will

May 28th, 2009|Science|0 Comments

iPhones, Video Games, and Taking Risks

I readily admit that I'm a late bloomer when it comes to the world of gaming. I never really got into it as a child. My mom wouldn't let us have one (except for playing Frogger and Pac Man on my sister's old Atari) so I never really got into it. I had friends throughout college and even after that were all into games like Halo and whatever else (I have no idea), but I was just never drawn to it.But recently I got an iPhone, and being the technology geek that I am, I just love exploring the app

May 21st, 2009|Christian Life|0 Comments


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